[Artículo] Sources and political information in press and new mass media in Spain

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Autora: Marián Alonso González

The evaluation of sources of information is essential to measure the quality of journalistic work. Political news in Spain becomes the most valid sample to know the real incidence the sources of information have in the quality in journalism according to their number, typology, origin and own initiative. This article shows the results of a quantitative study on the news published in the print edition of Spanish local reference newspapers, El País and El Mundo, and two new mass media, Eldiario.es and Elconfidencial.com, in order to analyse how the four newspapers report on the same news. The main results indicate that the newspapers that belong to large media groups have the necessary resources to develop complex investigations. Meanwhile, digital native press, independent of political and economic power, presents an excellent level of journalistic initiative, which allows to recover the oversight role and fourth power of journalism.

Recuperado de: http://ojs.udg.edu/index.php/CommunicationPapers/article/view/287/0

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