La Medea de Lars von Trier
This paper explores the way that Lars von Trier’s film recreates the stereotype of Medea. Using film analysis and based on cultural studies the article asks about the importance and potential power of cinema to recover the ancient myth and show their effects. The analysis expands horizons for the understanding of the mechanisms that link the network of meanings of the film, where the author offers a new vision of Medea’s archetype attaching it to the pictorial tradition tied to the Romanticism. An influence that can be seen in the later works of Lars von Trier, where the landscape, the nature, stands as a catalyst of human drives, as his accomplice and witness.
Palabras clave:
Medea; análisis fílmico; cine; estudios de género; mitos
Medea; film analysis; cine; gender studies; myths
Cómo citar este artículo:
Fresneda-Delgado, I. (2013) La Medea de Lars von Trier, en Fotocinema, 6, 55-75.
ISSN 2172-0150
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L’intertexte entre le réel et l’imaginaire dans le cinéma de Wim Wenders
L’intertexte entre le réel et l’imaginaire dans le cinéma de Wim Wenders
This article shows the way that the cinema represents on the screen the boundaries between the imaginary world of the characters and the one that we used to call “real world”. In order to verify the representation on the screen of this contradictory relationship, sometimes complementary, we will do a brief study of the movie The State of Things (1982), of Wim Wenders. Our intention is to put in evidence the crossings of the cinema with the art, the people and the space, and their mutual influences as well. Our theoretical references will be mainly based on François Niney’s notion of “fiction” and “documentary”. We hope, from this reflection, to be able to understand more deeply the way that Wenders works in this movie the metaphors of light on the character’s “mise en scène”, proposing, somehow, a dialogue between the concepts of “clarity” and “shadow”, having as background the idea of fiction.
Fiction; Characters; Reality; Representation; Wim Wenders; L’État des Choses.
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Repeticiones y revisiones: el remake en la fotografía construida
Repeticiones y revisiones: el remake en la fotografía construida
Fotografía escenificada; remake; arte contemporáneo; deconstrucción; originalidad.
Since posmodernism, photography theory has dealt with the idea that photographs can be understood as processes of cultural meaning and coding. In an artistic context interested in pastiche, quotation, deconstruction and questioning ideas of authorship and originality, the remake is consolidated as way of producing revisions of icons belonging to the collective imagination, and becomes a recurring representational strategy in current art photography. It challenges us to recognize what we see, to question how we see it, and to problematize how images give shape to our emotions and understanding of the world.
After developing the concept of remake, we will analyze its aesthetic, narrative and representational implications in staged photography, through the study of a set of recent artistic proposals that make use of a stock of preexisting images (specially from Painting), that then are reworked with new approaches that express a strong commitment to the present.
Staged photography; remake, contemporary art; deconstruction; originality.
Cómo citar este artículo:
Castro, M. (2013) Repeticiones y revisiones: el remake en la fotografía construida, en Fotocinema, 6, 5-41 .
ISSN 2172-0150
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El cine en el cine: Los abrazos Rotos (Pedro Almodóvar, 2009)
El cine en el cine: Los abrazos Rotos
(Pedro Almodóvar, 2009)
Film Within Film: Broken Embraces
(Pedro Almodóvar, 2009)
Pedro Poyato
Universidad de Córdoba
El cine en el cine, tema recurrente en la filmografía de Pedro Almodóvar, protagoniza también Los abrazos rotos, película que contiene en su interior otra titulada Chicas y maletas. Pero las imágenes de esta segunda película, trasunto de otra anterior del propio Almodóvar, Mujeres al borde un ataque de nervios, coexisten con las de un documental sobre su rodaje. El resultado es una proliferación de imágenes segundas que, incorporadas según una estructura en abismo, el filme va a conjugar de múltiples y variadas maneras. El presente trabajo trata de dar cuenta de la génesis, funcionamiento y declinación de estas imágenes segundas y de los sentidos que de ello emanan.
Film within film, a recurrent technique in Pedro Almodóvar’s filmography, it is also a main subject in Broken Embraces, a film which includes another film entitled Chicas y maletas. However, the images from this secondary film –reflection of a previous film by Almodóvar himself, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdowncoexist with those from a documentary which is in fact this film making-of. As a result, there is a proliferation of secondary images that, once incorporated into a miseen-abîme structure, are combined in the film in multiple and different ways. The present work aims to discuss the genesis, fundamentals and deviation of these secondary images, together with the meanings produced in this interplay.
Palabras claves
Cine, Almodóvar, Puesta en abismo, Transtextualidad, Autocita, Hipertexto.
Film, Almodóvar, mise-en-abîme, Transtextuality, Self-quoting, Hypertext.
Forma de citar este artículo:
Poyato, P (2012): El cine en el cine: Los abrazos rotos (Pedro Almodóvar, 2009), en Fotocinema, Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía, 5, 7 – 23.
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En el limbo de lo invisible
Carmen Arocena y Nekane E. Zubiaur
Universidad del País Vasco
La vida de todo ser humano puede ser entendida como una narración en la que cada uno se une o se desune con diferentes objetos de deseo. La semiótica de corte greimasiano así lo explica cuando define al esquema narrativo como “una especie de marco formal en el que se inscribe el «sentido de la vida» con sus tres instancias esenciales: la calificación del sujeto que lo introduce en la vida, su “realización” por algo que «hace» y, finalmente la «sanción» -retribución y, a la vez, reconocimiento- que garantiza el sentido de sus actos y lo instaura como sujeto según el ser” (Greimas y Courtés, 1979:275). Por lo tanto, deseamos, actuamos y somos evaluados por ello.
Palabras clave:
Violencia; manipulación; invisibilidad; mujer; feminismo.
The representation of violence against women in the mass media adopts different forms that are not always explicit. Through the modes of manipulation described by Greimas and Courtés, contemporary images subject women to a single canon of acceptable beauty and a deceitfull representation of their pleasure mediated by masculine desire and satisfaction. Well into the XXI century, the dialectic between the visible and the invisible, which the patriarchal eye has installed in western society through the tyranny of the mass media, still prevents women from having access to a free and reliable expression of their own physical and sexual nature.
Violence; manipulation ; invisibility; women; feminism.
Forma de citar este artículo:
Arocena, C. y Zubiaur, N. (2011). En el limbo de los invisible, Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía, 4, 10 – 36. Recuperado de
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