[Artículo] Romanian local journalism. An increase in sarcasm, allusive speaking and abusive quotes

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Autor/a: Carmen Neamtu.

The Romanian written press is torn between the quality of the materials and the struggle for financial survival of Romanian journalists. The situation of the local press in my hometown  Arad is representative for the state of the Romanian written and online press as a whole. The traditional model of production, diffusion and reception of printed journalism is currently undergoing a complex reconfiguration. The print media is losing ground to the online press. The online press is also becoming more attractive because of its gratuity. Paying readers of the internet connection can access numerous sites without bothering to buy a press product from the newsstand. Easier access to the online press product, as well as the possibility to intervene anonymously, commenting on various articles posted by journalists, all this led to a decrease in interest in the written press.

Recuperado de: https://communicationpapers.revistes.udg.edu/article/view/22923

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