[Artículo] Gestión de marca turística online a nivel municipal en la Comunidad Valenciana.

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Autores: Yolanda Miralles Guimerá, Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Carlos Fanjul Peyró

El sector turístico es clave en la economía española actual. La competencia entre la variedad de destinos turísticos hace que estos deban diferenciarse, crear una imagen de marca territorio potente y comunicarlo a sus stakeholders. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar cómo realizan la gestión de la marca turística en el mundo online los municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana en los que se observa un carácter reconocidamente turístico. Para ello, se tomará como muestra los cuatro municipios de la Comunidad Valenciana pertenecientes a la red de “Los Pueblos Más Bonitos de España” en 2018, que son: Peñíscola, Morella, Vilafamés y El Castell de Guadalest.

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[Artículo] Brand management from a cultural approach. Case study of consumer brands that operate in the Spanish market.

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Autora: PhD. Paloma Sanz-Marcos

The relationship between brands and culture is not something new for brand managers. Starting from a situation of social tension characterized by the anxieties and the vital desires of a society, the management of brands based on the cultural branding model, allows to build brands that manage to absorb and reflect the culture that surrounds them becoming containers of identity myths that advertisers take advantage of to create attractive messages for their audiences. This approach, devised by Douglas B. Holt (2004), proposes to work on the collective nature of the brand through its interaction with everyday situations and its relationship with the cultural environment that surrounds it. This communication proposes to analyze the cases of Campofrío and IKEA as potential cultural brands. The results indicate that, in effect, these brands manage to advertise themselves as iconic brands that have been able to take advantage of the social tensions and disruptions experienced by the Spaniards such as feminism, brain drain or political polarity, to issue a relevant and attractive message for potential consumers.

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[Artículo] Online tourism brand management at a local scale in Valencian Community

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Autores: Yolanda Miralles Guimerá, Carlos Fanjul Peyró

The relationship between brands and culture is not something new for brand managers. Starting from a situation of social tension characterized by the anxieties and the vital desires of a society, the management of brands based on the cultural branding model, allows to build brands that manage to absorb and reflect the culture that surrounds them becoming containers of identity myths that advertisers take advantage of to create attractive messages for their audiences. This approach, devised by Douglas B. Holt (2004), proposes to work on the collective nature of the brand through its interaction with everyday situations and its relationship with the cultural environment that surrounds it. This communication proposes to analyze the cases of Campofrío and IKEA as potential cultural brands. The results indicate that, in effect, these brands manage to advertise themselves as iconic brands that have been able to take advantage of the social tensions and disruptions experienced by the Spaniards such as feminism, brain drain or political polarity, to issue a relevant and attractive message for potential consumers.

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[Artículo] Art at the point of sale: Its communicative potential and four different possibilities of application

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Autora: Elena Bellido-Pérez

In this text, the potential of art for retail stores is explored. No matter what product or service the store is offering than the art can always be an effective tool for pursuing certain communication goals. Being one of the most ancient communication forms, art is a wide field in which emotion plays a key role. That is why the retail sector can take advantage of the proved effectiveness of art while transferring its suggested feeling to the spatial management of the store. Thus, in this study, four different possibilities of artistic decoration in stores are described: (1) the retail management as an artistic activity, (2) the retail store as a museum space, (3) the retail store and the (integrated or recreated) artworks, and (4) the retail store and the artistic movements.

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[Artículo] Exploratory factorial structure of Internet user reliability on the eve of federal elections

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Autora: Cruz García Lirios

Reliability emerges after the establishment of an agenda with issues focused on political corruption that, far from orienting a debate and public consensus, generate negative emotions that result in social hopelessness, an ideal scenario for the propaganda of the authoritarian State rectory. The objective of this work is to establish a model for the study of the phenomenon in question. A non-experimental, transverse, exploratory study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 400 millennial Internet users. There are lines of research related to the extension of the model and its contrast in electoral processes.

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[Artículo] Are the spin doctors a figure of priority interest for public relations?

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Autores: PhD. Sandra Vilajoana-Alejandre, PhD. Toni Aira

This research has a twofold goal: on the one hand, it describes, from a theoretical point of view, the importance of the figure and role of the spin doctors, also known as communication political advisers, from the perspective of public relations; and by another, the article analyses quantitatively and qualitatively, the presence and treatment of the figure of the spin doctor in the main academic journals included in the Journal Citation Reports in the fields of communication, public relations and political communication from de point of view of public relations discipline. The results of the research confirm the notable influence of public relations in the origin, definition and professional activity of spin doctors. By contrast, this study shows the low presence of the spin doctor concept in the academic literature, although the articles analysed confirm the importance of this figure from the point of view of public relations.

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[Artículo] The personal and professional brand in the economy of reputation

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Autora: Isabel Iniesta-Alemán

Reputation is the actual battle camp on which all organizations compete. It is a fact that most advertising agencies do not show the professional profiles of their own managers as a valuable token in the communication of their company. In our research, we consider that this may occur because advertisers do not appreciate this information when choosing their advertising and communication service partner. Another assumption that we analyze is that many agencies do not have, in their management team, people whose training or professional background would be enough to openly compete with other agency managers. We used methodological triangulation to evaluate these two hypotheses. In the conclusions of our investigation, we observed that there is a certain opacity in terms of the professional merits of those agency managers when offering their services, since they do not share data on their academic training or professional career. We nevertheless deduce that it is very important for advertisers to know the professionalism of those who are going to be hired in the area of corporate communication. Those who use social networks more professionally are getting a greater market share.

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[Artículo] How the digital age has changed the corporate communication world: the case of Digital Marketing in the Fashion Business

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Autores: Irene García Medina, Pedro Alvaro Pereira Correia, Leonor Alberola Amores

Digital Marketing have revolutionized the way companies communicate and interact with their publics, in particularly in the Fashion Business. The use of digital communication on a daily is increasingly intense, which leads companies to work the digital business strategy around the objectives, as well as incorporating digital methods into the objectives. According to Hamel, “The advantage of the competitiveness comes from a technological introduction and the constant adaptation along the time to the technological evolution inserted in the strategy of the organization”.

So, this research is a qualitative analysis to understand what are the digital factors that contribute to sustainable competitive advantages of organizations which can support strategic and future actions.

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[Artículo] Communication and advertising in NGDOs: Present and future

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Autores: Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel, Jesús Díaz Cruzado

Non-Governmental Organizations for Development (NGDOs), as part of the Third Sector, coexist in society with large business conglomerates, trade unions, public entities, etc. that use communication to improve their bottom line, whether tangible or not. New technologies and the Internet are becoming indispensable tools to reach audiences, increasingly influenced by social networks, work, blogs, and so on. At a time when solidarity is more necessary than ever and administrative support is diminishing, NGDOs need to communicate what they do and how they do it, because their survival and that of those they assist is at stake. This paper seeks to highlight the lack of communicators in NGDOs throughout their existence. It shows that today most NGDOs still do not have expert communication officers, but they do have digitally trained people in their ranks in order to make themselves known and attract the attention of their target audiences. It seems that in the not too distant future communication will become a fundamental pillar for social entities.

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[Artículo] False news and the work of information professionals in the coverage of events

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Autora: Nuria Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela

In this article we wanted to analyze the increase of false news or fake news and its relationship with the work of television journalists in the coverage of events. The realization of this study is justified since this fact can not only influence the journalistic work, but also the information that reaches the spectators and their conception of the world. For the study we have used methodologically the structural approach and the professional empiricism. Within the main findings it is demonstrated that the falsified news hide interests that are over the margin of maneuver that the journalist of foot has to avoid them. Also, television companies -which are the ones that ultimately control what information they give or not- decide to include falsified news for the economic benefit that they may entail. This false news is affecting the fundamental right of Spanish citizens and therefore distorting the role of the media and, in particular, the social function that journalists have entrusted. The biggest limitation of this study is that the professionals who have been part of it work for a means of communication and this fact has been able to condition their participation.

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