Radio y escuela en el proceso de construcción del patrimonio natural en la comunidad rural del valle de Traslasierra
Radio y escuela en el proceso de construcción del patrimonio natural en la comunidad rural del valle de Traslasierra
The school and radio in construction process of natural heritage at the rural community in the Valley of Traslasierra
Palabras clave
The communities in Traslasierra, in the west of Córdoba province, undergo deep changes in the use of the land. Rural areas which used to maintain a valuable agrobiodiversity like cattle raising, annual crops, vegetables, fruit trees and important areas of the native ecosystem, were transformed progressively due to the advance of industrial agriculture, the mining industry and estate agents or housing developers. As a real fact of the life in that region, several situations emerge such as the emigration of labor force, the loss of farmers along with the missing ancestral wisdom on native productions, the lack of training opportunities and a poor development of associative actions. Given this situation, it is essential to think about a steady production within the context of a social organization in which the integrity of natural resources are protected and a good and harmonious interaction among human beings, the agroecosystem and the environment can be guaranteed. It is in this way that the state schools get closer to the radio in a mutual alliance, working each other. All the work carried out with children from 4th, 5th and 6th grade school is considered an opportunity to share knowledge. Through the broadcasting performance and the problematization of environmental and agroecological issues,children can construct a real world base don its environmental, cultural and social setting; and it is from this approach that they can contribute to the care of the local habitat. Therefore, they become promoters for the defense and protection of the environment resulting in a multiplying effect.
Construction of reality; habitat; participatory radio
Forma de citar este artículo:
Trimano, L. y Emanuelli, P.B. (2013) Radio y escuela en el proceso de construcción del patrimonio
natural en la comunidad rural del valle de Traslasierra en Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, vol. 4, nº 1, 01-20.
ISSN: 1989-872X
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