Communication Papers

[Artículo] El La minga como práctica comunicativa que orienta la transformación social de los indígenas de Chimborazo, Ecuador

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Autores: Julio Adolfo Bravo, Andrés, Antoni Vaca, Carlos Larrea.

Este artículo reflexiona la forma en la que la minga como práctica comunicativa permite la transformación de la realidad -en conjunto- de los habitantes de las parroquias Tixán y Totorillas, provincia de Chimborazo Ecuador. Es un estudio cualitativo que utiliza para la recogida de la información la etnografía y la observación. Entre los resultados obtenidos pudo concluirse que posibilita la acción comunitaria, la reflexión frente a una problemática, una eficiente toma de decisiones que permita intervenir colectivamente la realidad, y en especial, la interacción convertida en generadora de cambio social.

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[Artículo] The Representation of Minority Women in Turkish Streaming Media: The Case Study of Kulüp

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Autor/a: Çağla Çavuşoğlu Üstün.

The discussion on representation, from individual perspective to societal one, has experienced a huge jump in media and cultural studies recently. Throughout this process, the meaning of «representation» has reconstructed, and it is considered not only as an individual issue but also with its relation to the society or a specific group. This study aims to illustrate representations of women who come from minority ethnic and religious communities in Turkey. In this study, the representations of Sephardic Jewish women and Rum women in Turkish media are analyzed through a TV series broadcasted on Netflix. The case study of Netflix’s Kulüp (The Club) is chosen for this study to be qualitatively examined by focusing on the conceptualization of representation of minority women. Theoretically, the episodes of the series are analyzed within the framework of feminist critical theory by the help of critical discourse analysis.

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[Artículo] Sexism and the Commodification of Women in Media: A Critical Analysis

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Autores: Aybike Serttas, Övünç Ege, Betül Çanakpinar, Afife İclal Bedir.

This study aims to investigate the pervasive issue of sexism within media and its role in the commodification of women. Through a critical lens, we seek to unravel the underlying mechanisms that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and objectification of women in media products, ultimately shedding light on the implications for societal perceptions and gender equality.

Utilizing a comprehensive research approach, we systematically analyzed various media content, including advertisements, films, and television shows. Content analysis was employed to identify patterns, representations, and messaging surrounding women in media products.

The study reveals a disturbing prevalence of sexism and the commodification of women in various forms of media. We found that women are frequently objectified, reduced to superficial attributes, and often portrayed in subordinate roles. These depictions not only reinforce harmful stereotypes but also contribute to the perpetuation of gender inequality and discrimination. The study underscores the urgent need for media producers, consumers, and policymakers to recognize the detrimental impact of such portrayals and work collaboratively to promote more diverse, empowering, and equitable representations of women in media. Doing so can contribute to a more inclusive and just society.

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[Artículo] Romanian local journalism. An increase in sarcasm, allusive speaking and abusive quotes

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Autor/a: Carmen Neamtu.

The Romanian written press is torn between the quality of the materials and the struggle for financial survival of Romanian journalists. The situation of the local press in my hometown  Arad is representative for the state of the Romanian written and online press as a whole. The traditional model of production, diffusion and reception of printed journalism is currently undergoing a complex reconfiguration. The print media is losing ground to the online press. The online press is also becoming more attractive because of its gratuity. Paying readers of the internet connection can access numerous sites without bothering to buy a press product from the newsstand. Easier access to the online press product, as well as the possibility to intervene anonymously, commenting on various articles posted by journalists, all this led to a decrease in interest in the written press.

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CFP de Communication Papers: Gender and Media Literacy Special Issue: Exploring the Nexus of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gendered Media Practices

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La revista Communication Papers, socia de PlatCom, llama al envío de artículos para su número «Gender and Media Literacy Special Issue: Exploring the Nexus of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Gendered Media Practices».

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 18.10.2024
  • Publication: December, 2024

In an era marked by the pervasive integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives, the Journal of Communication Papers: Gender and Media Literacy extends an invitation for submissions to a special issue, delving into the intricate relationship between AI and gender within the domains of media studies and media literacy, edited by Dr. Maria Pilar Rodriguez Perez and Dr. Miren Gutiérrez Almazor. As AI technologies continue to shape and redefine our interactions with media, there arises a critical need to scrutinize their nuanced implications on gender representation, biases perpetuated, and the potential for empowerment within the ever-evolving media landscape (Lanneskog, 2023; Albalawi, 2023; Ozmen-Garibay et al., 2023).

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[Artículo] Digital Platforms and Media Use: An Exploratory Research on Trust, Gender Stereotypes and Bias in Turkey

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Autor/a: Ceren Saran.

Media use and news consumption occur throughout digital platforms as a rising trend worldwide. These digital infrastructures serve as channels through which users access content and as gatekeepers that curate the content figured by algorithmic selection. Thus, this research is designed to step inside the digital media use and aims to understand what kind of stereotypes and biases users face in digital platforms. To that end, a group of international university students from Turkey were interviewed about their experiences from several digital platforms. Accordingly, the participants were asked about the preferred source of the news, whether they trust the content they encounter on platforms, the stereotypes they face in their social media use, the most disturbing content in terms of bias and discrimination, if they feel free on their social media accounts, the awareness about the concepts “stereotypes”, “representation”, “algorithmic selection”, “algorithmic bias”. The research has shown that gender is the most common category of stereotype, followed by political, religious, nationality, and social class. In parallel with the concept of intersectionality, it has been observed that other forms of social discrimination are also encountered along with gender on digital platforms.

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Disponible el nuevo número de Communication Papers: VOL. 13 NÚM. 26 (2024)

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Communication Papers, revista asociada a PlatCom, ha publicado su nuevo monográfico «Vol. 13 Núm. 26 (2024): As Empowering And Challenging Fields Digital Platforms And Gender».

El número 26 de Communication Papers acoge un total de seis artículos de investigación, cinco temáticos y uno de contenido general, que incluyen valiosas investigaciones teóricas y empíricas del ámbito de la comunicación, de los medios y de los estudios de género. Como saben, el tema principal de este número es “Plataformas digitales y género como espacios potenciadores y desa-fiantes”.

Las plataformas digitales están surgiendo como espacios a la vez potenciadores y desafiantes para las representaciones y relaciones de género. Si bien estas plataformas dan voz a las mujeres, a las personas LGBTQ+ y a otros grupos marginados, también pueden allanar el camino para la reproducción y el refuerzo de los estereotipos de género. Este impacto bidireccional de las plata-formas digitales es fundamental para la igualdad de género y su representación. En este contexto, el presente número de Communication Papers, el 26 ya, pretende analizar, en profundidad, estas dinámicas y desarrollar nuevas perspectivas en los estudios de género. Creemos que el trabajo de los investigadores ayudará a explorar el impacto de las plataformas digitales en el género y a aumentar el corpus de conocimientos en este campo.

En este número, presentamos interesantes estudios de investigación de España, Turquía, Ruma-nía, Alemania, Uzbekistán y Méjico. El artículo que abre el número 26 es: Uso del lenguaje emo-cional de Donald Trump como estrategia comunicativa eficaz, del que son coautoras, Silvia Espino-sa-Mirabet y Mónica Punti-Brun. En su estudio, las autoras analizan las emociones utilizadas por Donald Trump en sus discursos para determinar su eficacia comunicativa. Para ello, analizan las palabras (y las asociaciones emocionales) de 185 citas directas del expresidente estadounidense publicadas por The Wall Street Journal.

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[Artículo] Theoretical approaches to Media and Information Literacy in Foreign Aid Projects (Model for Central Asian countries)

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Autor: Azamjon Oltmishevich Dadakhonov.

This article is devoted to the analysis of different theoretical approaches to the field of MIL. It provides theoretical insights and definitions put forward by various experts in the field of ML and MIL. The author analyses the role of these approaches in develop the MIL level of the population, as well as the to increase the effectiveness of grants and projects of foreign donor organizations in Central Asian countries in the field of MIL. Using the main sources concepts, theories and approaches in different books about ML and MIL, manuals of international organizations, such as UNESCO, DW Akademie etc., the materials of the journal publications and archives, the author tries to give his own approaches to develop MIL in Central Asian countries. The article analyzes the sociological surveys that substantiate the results of the projects implemented in the field of MIL by various donor organizations in recent years. It was emphasized that in Central Asian countries, it is necessary to pay attention to regional, political and cultural peculiarities in increasing the level of MIL of the population.

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[Article] The reflection of the struggle against male violence on digital platform TV series: Hükümsüz and Mezarlık

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Autora: Nur Tuğçe Biga.

On digital platforms, patriarchal ideology-challenging works are more widely available. The television series Hükümsüz, which debuted on the Exxen platform in 2021, and Mezarlık, which debuted on Netflix in 2022, have established themselves as pioneering projects that raise awareness of the rise in femicides in Turkey in recent years. The Mezarlık dramas, which also reveal the role of the police and the state in the murder of women, and the Hükümsüz series, which emphasizes that femicides are caused by gender inequality and calls into question the patriarchal order, are both examined from a feminist standpoint in this study as works that challenge male dominance. The representations in the dramas are coded in terms of gender roles, perpetrator responsibility and the victimisation of women in the representation of male violence, the politics of femicide and the responsibility of the state, and practices of combating male violence. Using content analysis, one of the qualitative research techniques, it was possible to determine that the series were composed in a way that was intended to undermine the patriarchy, which is a continuation of the prevailing ideology.

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Hoy se celebra la XII Asamblea de PlatCom

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El viernes 7 de junio tendrá lugar la asamblea anual de PlatCom en la en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Aranjuez

La reunión de los miembros de la Plataforma de Revistas Científicas de Comunicación se acoge en el XXX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP), que se celebra en Aranjuez los días 6 y 7 de junio de 2024.

En esta reunión se expondrán los resultados obtenidos en la página web y las redes sociales mediante el estudio de los informes del periodo 2023-24.