Comunicación Política y educación en tiempos de guerra. El caso de Miguel Hernández
Comunicación Política y educación en tiempos de guerra.
El caso de Miguel Hernández
Political communication and education in war time:
The case of Miguel Hernández
María Gómez Patiño
Universidad de Zaragoza
Este artículo es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre el poeta español Miguel Hernández: su función como comunicador político y educador en el frente republicano en la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939). En la introducción se presenta al poeta, su función de comisario político. Metodológicamente utiliza el análisis del discurso, que permite diseccionar la forma de ejercitar su vocación de periodista-comunicador político y educador. En la presentación de los resultados se manifiesta su tarea educativa-periodística, que dedica textos a la educación en valores del soldado. Como conclusión, su función social es un producto mixto, polisémico, que reavivaba la moral de los combatientes, al tiempo que les instruía, lo que convierte a Miguel Hernández en un predecesor de la educomunicación de emergencia en tiempo de guerra.
Palabras clave:
comunicación política, educomunicación / media literacy, medios de comunicación, responsabilidad social, función social, pedagogía, interacción social.
This article is the result of a research project that deepens into the less known facets of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernandez, as political communicator and educator at the republican front during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).In the introduction, the poetis presented in his charge of political commissar, who produced political communication in the newspapers of the republican front, together with education and formation. From the methodological perspective, his texts are studied through Discourse Analysis that enables observing his way of developing his vocation as journalist/political communicator and educator: 1)journalist, as he wrote in different war newspapers; 2)political communicator due to his responsibility as political commissar; and 3) educator by means of the his texts, those of a poet compromised with the war, who is emotionally moving to every soldier in the trenchs; transversal because his texts written in a poetic style, ideologized or politized, transcend journalism .In the presentation of the results,his educative-journalist task is over whelming He devotes his texts to education for values of soldiers. As conclusion, his social function is a mixed, multifaceted and discoursive one that is impregnated with poetry and passion, that serves to better the mood of soldiers, while being instructed, which turns Miguel Hernández into the predecessor of educommunication / media literacy (one of emergency in war time).
political communication, educommunication / media literacy, mass media, socialresponsibility,social function, pedagogy,social interaction.
Cómo citar este artículo:
Gómez – Patiño, M. (2013) Comunicación Política y educación en tiempos de guerra. El caso de Miguel Hernández, en Index Comunicación, 3, 121-137.
ISSN: 2174-1859
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