More than Tools: ICTS Facilitating Alternative Opportunity Structures for Social Movements

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More than Tools: ICTS Facilitating Alternative Opportunity Structures for Social Movements

Fatima K. Espinoza Vasquez



Though ICTs are critical for social movements, political orders, and the machinery of the modern state, research has notaddressed how they are important, the purpose of this exploratory study is to attend take the first step towards theorizing therole of ICTs in social movements. The study is guided by the following research question: How does the resistancemovement relate to the opportunity structures? A mixed-method case study of the Honduran Resistance Movement wasconducted. Members of the movement, civil society organizations, the government and international organizations wereinterviewed and observation of mobilizations and meetings were conducted, as well as collection of qualitative data fromnewspapers and social media. We found that social movements engage in a bricolage behavior to make the most out of theiravailable ICTs and mobilizing structures and create opportunities to participate in political processes.


DOI: 10.15213/redes.n9.p311



Palabras clave:

ICTs; Social Movements; Opportunity Structures; Mobilizing Structures; Political Process; Bricolage


Cómo citar:

Espinoza-Vasquez, F. K.  (2014) More than Tools: ICTS Facilitating Alternative Opportunity Structures for Social Movements, en Revista Redes, 9, 311-323.


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