[Monografía] Del uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación a las destrezas en competencia mediática en las personas mayores

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Autores: María del Rocío Cruz Diaz, Sara Román García y Francisco Pavon Rabasco

Increasing life expectancy creates great challenges and difficulties in a society that must respond uniform and global population aging. Our elders have aging «full of life» and many of their capacities are still to high performance. In this article we want to approach one of the principles of active aging, training throughout life, in particular the use and development of the skills and abilities to audiovisual media and technological resources. Thus, the results of a study on media literacy in adults and older Andalusian (Spanish) by quantitative and qualitative analysis of the use of Internet and media competence level of our elders, while they are collected describes some of the advantages that may incorporate ICT in the life of the mayor: interactivity, improved self-esteem, higher levels of social participation and improving intergenerational relations.

Recuperado de: http://revista-redes.hospedagemdesites.ws/index.php/revista-redes/article/view/413/439

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