[Artículo] A reflexion on the hate speech in Brazilian social networks

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Autoras: Naomy Ester Mello e Marques, Thalita Lacerda Nobre

This work aimed to identify as psychic manifestations present in the dissemination of the medium of discourses on social networks, as well as to identify as drives that govern this behavior and to define the mechanisms of defenses involved, including the constitution of the identity of individuals and the behavior in group. The methodology used was a qualitative documentary research, based on a sample of hate speech published in the quarantine period in 2020, on the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page. The target audiences for this research were registered on Facebook, literate, with varied education and of both sexes, whose age met the criteria for creating a profile in this network and are therefore over 14 years old. These were analyzed qualitatively from a psychoanalytic perspective, in which the presence of the manifestation of the drive world was found in the messages, as well as the expression of narcissism and the use of defense mechanisms such as denial, projection and rationalization.

Recuperado de: https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/IROCAMM/article/view/14879

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