[Artículo] Influence of News-Finds-Me Perception on accuracy, factuality and relevance assessment. Case study of news item on climate change
Autores: Francisco Segado-Boj, Jesús Díaz-Campo, Enrique Navarro-Asencio, Lorena Remacha-González
This paper analyses the effect of ‘News-Finds-Me’ Perception on the user’s assessment of a news item on climate change, both directly and indirectly through news-sharing habits, news-consumption habits, uses and gratifications on social media sites, prior knowledge and attitudes regarding the decision to share said news item. Ninety-six Spanish university students took a survey and were asked to read and rate the quality of a news item on climate change, then to indicate whether they would share that news item on social media. The results show that students with a higher news-finds-me perception tended to rate accuracy and factuality more highly than students with a lower news-finds-me perception. However, relevance was not different between the two groups. Hence, it is concluded that ‘News-Finds-Me’ Perception lowers the user’s expectations and standards of journalism quality but has no influence on the relevance of the news item. As for sharing intentions, none of the aspects considered in the assessment of the news item had an effect on the decision to share that item.
Recuperado de: https://www.mediterranea-comunicacion.org/article/view/2020-v11-n2-influencia-de-la-percepcion-las-noticias-me-encuentran