[Artículo] La síntesis audiovisual a través de Youtube: análisis del uso de la imagen, tiempo, texto escrito y oral

Autores: Sara Escudero García, José Luis Valero Sancho.
This communication presents an analysis of the 7,763 seconds that make up 30 audiovisual syntheses with a maximum duration of ten and a half minutes, published on the YouTube social network between 2009 and 2020. Our methodology has been based on studying how the oral text is used, in conjugation with their images and text written over time to shape the didactic story, in addition to relying on bibliographic references. In the same way, 15 of the audiovisual syntheses analysed are in the Spanish language and another 15 in English, in order to clarify if the communication is carried out in a similar way, even with the change of language. Based on the results obtained, we have observed that there are indications that in all communications there are elements that coincide in their use and frequency. Due to the increase in publications of educational audiovisual communications through Social Media in the recent years, we think that this analysis can help both future researchers and producers of audiovisual synthesis.
Recuerado de: https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/IROCAMM/article/view/16874