[Artículo] Centennials: The being search in a digital universe
Autores: Ph.D. Vladimir Sánchez-Riaño, Carlos A. Arango Lozano, Jairo Roberto Sojo-Gómez.

This paper is a result of research about Generation Z or Centennials carried out by a group of researchers from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University. The article develops a vision of this generation about her construction and representation of her being in the digital universe, its stages, and the role of money. Therefore, an examination is made of the main findings regarding Centennials as the first digitally native generation characterized by her ability to quickly access any type of information, and her innovative and entrepreneurial thinking. All this supported by digital platforms that offer, to Centennials, a spectrum of possibilities to create and shape the construction of their being and their social representation. Three aspects are stand out in this generation. First, they symbolically construct themselves from relationships in the network society; second, its relationship with money and the material aspects is instrumental and secondary (not an ontological relationship). Third, their connection to the material world is associated with family, publishable experiences on networks, and the acquisition and use of trending products, all of this in order to build their social representation.
Recuperado de: https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/IROCAMM/article/view/18295