[Article] The communication of sexual diversity in social media:: TikTok and Trans Community
Author: Francisco J. Olivares-García.

This paper analyzes the communication of sexual diversity in social networks, based on the analysis of ten accounts of influential Spanish speaking users, members of the trans community, on the TikTok platform. In addition to showing humor and dance videos, this network has also become a communication tool for all kinds of groups, including the LGTBI+ community and the trans community. The videos posted by users, in which they talk about issues related to the transition process are offered not only to people interested in the subject, but to all kinds of public, which causes an effect of normalization and visibility that is not found on other platforms, where this content is only consumed mainly by other trans people or people interested in the subject.
Recuperado de: https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/IROCAMM/article/view/19439